Service number 24/7
+49 (157) 54381962

Condition Monitoring

Most recent approach to maintenance rejects the principle of preventive maintenance as costly and ineffective. Condition-based maintenance models provide significant advantages: Repair what is necessary when necessary.

As part of a regular routine we measure your system with the latest vibration measurement technology which allows us to detect damage early on and before the entire system fails. This leaves plenty of time for a planned shutdown, to request staff, and to provide spare parts if necessary.

During measurement routines we also inspect your system visually, take oil samples if requested and provide a full report on the current state of your system if requested.

We are happy to take over any follow-up planning and the execution of required measures for a fixed price and on a fixed date regardless of whether alignment corrections, dynamic balancing or oil changes.

Nothing is more expensive than an unplanned shutdown.


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